Many different Star Races are active on Earth at this time. They have been visiting here for eons, and some of them are actually the forebears of our current race.  Each of these races has specific characteristics and gifts. These visitors may incarnate within us as parts of our soul material in order to assist in the Ascension process.

This list of Star Races is only a short overview of the many types of beings who come and go from Earth.  With the many billions of stars in our galaxy alone, the many forms of life have infinite variety.  

These are a few of the races that interact with Earth most frequently.


With their origins in the Lyran star system in the constellation Taurus, Lyrans are the original and oldest human race. Many are very human-looking. Some have strong feline-looking traits, while others are more avian in appearance. They are strong lovers of adventure and tend to dislike authority figures.  Lyran are natural leaders.
The most common Lyran symbols are the Lyre and the harp. Associated with the Greek God, Orpheus, the lyre is symbolic of entertainment, fun, and feasts.

Together, the lyre and the harp represent the Lyran’s abundant and playful nature.


The Pleiadians are visitors from our future.  They come from the Pleiades constellation, known as the “Seven Sisters,” our closest Star Relatives.  They often have a Nordic appearance. They may be highly advanced healers, with strong heart chakras.  Many ancient cultures have myths centering around this Star Race.  

Some of them have issues with boundaries when communicating with others, since they are strong empathic souls.


Arcturians are in contact with many Starseeds on Earth, telepathically for the most part. For the most part, they are taller than the average human, and with a large cranium. They are elegant and advanced, wishing to share the knowledge of their advanced civilization with other developing races.

As we move through the 4D experience toward the 5D, the Arcturians are advanced souls who are also incarnating into human bodies to support our evolution.


Andromedans are from our closest neighbor galaxy.  In general, they are here to guide people through their teaching and whaling work.  Free-spirited, they tend to be free-lancers or people who struggle with having a 9-5 job.  They are very curious and love to travel.  

Their masculine and feminine traits are well-balanced.

Sirians :

Sirians are from the Calias system in the Canis Major constellation. The feel things deeply, but do not always show their feelings.  Often they are very creative and artistic. They may have had lifetimes in Asia, South America, or ancient Egypt.  

Sirians are on Earth today in large numbers to assist in the needed changes to social structures during the Ascension time.

I created the  Sensitive Starseed School to serve this mission.

Ginny Lyran Starseed

Your Sensitive Starseed Guide

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