Our first offering in the Sensitive StarSeed School membership is the “StarSeed Awakening” Mini Course.

I started the Awakening course and first off I just want to tell you how impressed I am with how comprehensive the resources and your knowledge are. The website is easy to navigate (I did it with my phone and it’s easy). 

Just finished watching module 2. I will share more on the FB group, once I’m approved, but I just want to tell you that as an empath and someone who “takes on” and absorbs the energy of people, places and things around me, I NEED to educate myself and find support around this. I identify with many of the StarSeed traits, especially the feeling of not belonging.

I am so glad I acted on the call to join StarSeed School 💖🔥 Thank you for your medicine 🙏

Kim Raisebeck

This course has been designed to be a transformative journey that will ignite your cosmic essence and guide you on your path to your self-discovery as a StarSeed.

I’m so thrilled to share this empowering and fascinating information with you. We’re ready to take off, so buckle up, as we launch our starship into the course, Starseed Awakening.

I’m Ginny Lyran, and my soul mission is to empower StarSeeds and sensitive souls to embrace their sensitivities and turn them into their superpowers.

As you learn how to best support your unique human body to regain your vitality and energy, you’ll be able to better pursue your passions and fulfill your StarSeed mission.

I help you connect to your Star Family and receive messages and guidance from your Source Team.

I will also assist you in fully activating your intuitive gifts.

What you’re going to learn in these five modules of StarSeed Awakening:

  1. What it means to be a StarSeed
  2. The top nine StarSeed traits
  3. Signs that you are a StarSeed and how to thrive
  4. Six common Star Family races
  5. Ways to connect with your Star Family
Nancy Colace

I am so very grateful for how much Ginny has helped me on my path to healing and spiritual awakening. 

My sessions with her were transformative and empowering.  She is highly gifted in her intuitive abilities and gave me tremendous insight into how to balance both my physical and spiritual wellness.  Skilled in multiple cutting-edge modalities, she has a wealth of tools to draw from but is also an attentive listener, always getting a firm grasp on what I wanted to address. 

In my case, she was able to uncover layer after layer of information that was critical for me to know for my healing.  She also provided a list of excellent resources tailored especially to my needs.  

Working with Ginny was truly a creative and soul-nurturing collaboration that has led to my discovering my authentic self.

Nancy Colace

Independent Libraries Professional

Get access to this course when you join the membership program today!

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