The power of Inner Knowing

Hello Sensitive StarSeeds!

When you experience a reaction to something or you’re dealing with a symptom, do you ever wish that you could easily and quickly figure out why and what might have caused or contributed to it???

Things like headaches, digestive distress, muscle aches, and brain fog can be common for Sensitive StarSeeds, but it’s sometimes a frustrating mystery to try to trace the symptom back to a certain exposure to things like foods, chemicals, mould, emotional stress, etc.

And then, do you feel overwhelmed when trying to decide what supplement or healing protocol might be best for your unique body? Would you prefer not to have to keep running to expensive holistic practitioners to try to get help?

If you are answering YES to these questions, it’s time for you to get emPOWERed, beautiful StarSeed!

What is muscle testing?

Fortunately, you can cultivate your claircognizance, a psychic ability that involves an innate and sudden knowing of information without any logical explanation. One of the best ways to start to develop this gift is by utilizing a technique called muscle testing (aka applied kinesiology).

This is an accurate, non-invasive, and simple way to get information that is useful for your health and well-being. 

When you are using a muscle testing technique, you are actually tapping into your inner wisdom (or that of the person you are testing), while you are connected to Source Energy. It has been used for many years in different forms by a variety of holistic health practitioners around the world.

Muscle Testing

Muscle Testing actually falls under a larger umbrella called energy testing, which includes things like pendulum testing and Bioenergetic scanning. Many spiritual practices use other forms of divination, the seeking of knowledge of the unknown by supernatural means. 

The really great thing about muscle testing is that you can use your body (which is always with you 😃) to gather information without relying on anyone or anything. You can even learn how to be a proxy for a relative, friend, or client, which means you can, with their permission, test on your body, on their behalf.

The answers you receive when testing are usually in the form of a “yes”, or a “no.” “Yes” answers yield a strong muscle response, while “no” answers manifest as a weak response.

The quality of the question, meaning how precise you are with your wording, is crucial for super accurate and useful answers. Sometimes we need to dig deeper, by asking more and more refined questions.

In Sensitive StarSeed Membership You Will Learn How to Muscle Test

Muscle testing is one of the techniques I teach my Sensitive StarSeed members in our group membership.

I love seeing StarSeeds gain mastery over their intuition and self-healing abilities. In our weekly group connection calls and Facebook lives, I provide support and answer questions.

We discuss ways to get confident with your testing, how to prepare for your testing sessions by connecting to Source, grounding to Mother Earth, and being well hydrate.

Muscle testing is NOT:

  • For harming another or manipulating anyone
  • For winning the lottery
  • To make major life decisions or fortune telling
  • A substitute for using your intellect and Common Sense
  • 100% free from bias and interference (this may need to be cleared)
  • To test others without their permission (there are exceptions)

How does Muscle Testing Even Work?

Well the big picture is that everything is really energy. This has been proven with the cutting edge science of quantum physics. So even our thoughts and intentions are energy. In essence, our intentions can affect what happens in our bodies.

Also, I believe as many others now do, that we are fractals, individualized forms of consciousness, from the original Source Energy, Creator of everything. So because we are literally part of Source, we have direct connection to Source. In fact, everything in the Multiverse is inter-connected and therefore we can tap into the information in the energetic field.

Muscle testing also utilizes, through intention, the ability to connect to our subconscious mind and even our higher selves. So much information is contained in these areas, such as previous experiences, memories, programming, beliefs, and energetic frequencies. These things are stored like a computer database and are available for retrieval when we make a request that the information be made known to the conscious mind. Pretty amazing, eh?

What are the Benefits of Muscle Testing?

  • Learning the contributing causes of a symptom or condition, whether physical, emotional, mental, or energetic
  • Learning what supplements can be beneficial for you, even down to the best brand and dosing 
  • Determining whether a certain healing modality will work for you
  • Deciding which form of exercise will help you the most at any given time
  • Choosing the best foods for your body, which can change over time
  • Learning whether there are any negative energies interfering with you that need clearing
  • And so many others!

My Sacred Invitation to You

If you are not yet part of my Sensitive StarSeed School group membership, I lovingly offer you this invitation to give it a try with our special offer.

$1 for the first month

The membership includes my course, “StarSeed Awakening” along with guided meditations, resources, and weekly recorded Zoom Connection Calls!

Calls are currently every Wednesday at 9:00 am. Replays are available.

You’ll learn muscle testing, as well as many other tools and information for becoming an empowered, resilient and joyful StarSeed.

When you feel fantastic in your human body, you are better able to fulfill your StarSeed mission on Earth. 

Reference: If you want to know more about the science behind muscle testing, check out this book by David Hawkings called “Force VS. Power.” 

****Not sure if you are a StarSeed?