Having a human body during this Earthly lifetime can be a great pleasure. It is also sometimes a bit puzzling to figure out how all the parts of your being relate to one another.  

You have memories from your ET soul of longevity, of experiences with no illness or discomfort. But here, it’s different.  You may sometimes feel like your body doesn’t “fit” quite right.

It may feel cumbersome and dense, as though you are dragging something along with you, rather than a place that holds you and your energy in an enjoyable way. That feeling of weight can cause you to have a hard time feeling like it’s worthwhile to even take care of this body, like it’s a burden that you want to release.  

This can lead to depression and lowering your vibration in a cycle of downward motion.

You may be very sensitive to mold or to substances, such as chemicals in the environment.  Walking down the aisle with cleaning agents in the grocery store, you may experience bad sensations from the chemicals in the products.  

These things that other people may not even notice affect you deeply and your discomfort may even cause you to feel disoriented in such surroundings.

This is the time to become more aware of how to support your body so that it can be a place of enjoyment, a wonderful vehicle to take you to new levels of awareness, rather than it being a problem of some kind.

Take time to rest.  You may need more sleep than other people do.  You need to be able to let your mind wander when it wants to search for new information, so don’t judge yourself for this. Instead, realize that you are upgrading your being in preparation for Ascension energies that will raise the vibration of this planet to the 5D level.  Getting the right kind of support for your health needs is essential for you to be an effective force in this vital work, the work you came to Earth to do.

As a vibrational healing specialist, I am here to support you with health support that is specifically designed to meet the needs of Starseeds as we experience this Earthly lifetime.

I am creating Sensitive Starseed School to serve this mission.

Ginny Lyran Starseed
Your Sensitive Starseed Guide

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