It’s here!  Your guide to health as a Starseed and a community of like-minded people that you can call on for support and for friendship. It is my mission and my passion to empower Starseeds to live their best lives.

I’m so happy to announce that the Sensitive Starseed course and membership is now launching.  I’ve put my heart and soul into this project, because I know that the information is so valuable. I used the tools I have gained in my own health journey to put together the materials I will share with you.

Join Sensitive StarSeed School

How to Live Your Best Starseed Life

  • Learn how to muscle test so you are putting the right things into your body.
  • Understand how the pendulum works and how to use it.
  • Get familiar with your higher-faculty gifts and intuition.
  • Group activity to share information
  • Health and nutrition tips for optimum physical ability

Why Your Health Challenge of Yesterday Is Your Gift Today

To do our best we need to be in excellent health. Starseeds often have health challenges that are unique and are not understood by mainstream medicine. With the knowledge that Ginny provides you will learn how to take much better care of your Earth body as we work to support the Ascension process.

Share Your Energy With People Who Resonate With You

Join with like-minded people who understand the need for vibrational harmony. You are not alone! Learn about your soul’s journey through higher dimensions and find your Star Family. Your guide Ginny Lyran Starseed will hold space for you as you join in the Ascension process.

Your Superpower Gifts of Sensitivity

Turn your sensitivities into your superpowers. With support from your Guide, Ginny Lyran, you will get the information you need to live your best life as a Starseed, in vibrant health and awareness. 

Get information about functional medicine and ways to support your Earth body with nutrition. Gain the knowledge of how to overcome the sources of stress through awareness.  Learn how to access your higher mind gifts and use them during the Ascension process.

Starseed Community Resources

Sensitive Starseed School offers tools and community for empowering the resilience, health and well-being of Starseeds. Our offerings include group support for vibrant energy with Ginny Lyran Starseed, who is an accomplished energetic healer and your guide for spiritual awakening. 

Open Up the Treasure Chest of Your Gifts

Starseed gifts are many and varied.  Sensitive Starseed School will teach you how to use them. You will learn muscle testing, divination techniques, learn to understand your soul journey. Get the knowledge to experience vibrant health and well-being in your Earth body.

The Launch of Mission One