Did you ever feel as a child like you didn’t belong? You just didn’t see things the same way that others did.  You saw things that others didn’t see and wondered why they couldn’t understand your feelings. 


You always felt like you came from somewhere else.  Because you do, Starseed.  You came from afar to be with Earth now. 

Welcome seriously relaxing when you need to do it gives you the energy to raise your vibration and make the most of the action times in your life. 

You are more aware of opportunity and ready to pounce on it! 

Have you been told your gifts are imaginary? Maybe you had an “imaginary playmate” who stayed with you, listened to you, and told you secrets.  You  may have been told that you were making up stories when you told other people about things you saw and heard, so you learned to keep quiet about your gifts.  It’s time to come out!  Your Starseed family is waiting for you!

StarSeeds have so much to share with Earth 

What have you been hiding? The hidden treasure of your gifts that you have held in your heart and kept quiet about, because others told you you were wrong or bad or making up stories.  You don’t need to hide them or yourself any more.  Share your gifts with the world.  

Listening to people talk about things that don’t really matter is so boring for you. Sometimes it is just too much to deal with, and you withdraw completely.  You’d rather have a meaningful conversation that nourishes your mind and spirit. 

As a Starseed, you know that your time and space are too precious to waste on topics that don’t have lasting value.

You may have had a bad experience in your birth family as the one who is not the prime example, to say the least.  You don’t live up to the ideas your family finds to be important, instead finding your own way, and people don’t understand why you have the values that you do. 

Sometimes Starseeds are not validated by their birth families because they go “outside the box”.  That’s your true destiny. 

Your Star family is waiting for you.

Ginny Lyran Starseed
Your Sensitive Starseed Guide

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