Ginny Lyan StarSeed

Hello beautiful souls! I’m Ginny Lyran, your Sensitive StarSeed Empowerment Guide.

Looking back on my life, I now realize, and am so grateful, that my health crisis was the best wake up call ever!

After spending many years dealing with annoying symptoms, over time, I developed hypersensitivities to all kinds of things like foods, odors, molds, chemicals, medications, alcohol, and even EMFs from electronic devices.

Out of Balance

Things got so out of balance, I ended up with a couple of surgeries, including an emergency hysterectomy, with a blood transfusion, to remove a very large uterine fibroid.

I kept going to medical doctors and never really totally fitting into a diagnostic box. Sometimes I would get a “maybe” or “atypical” diagnosis of things like Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, or simply IBS and depression. But in the end, conventional doctors were not quite sure what was going on with me.

The more I pursued diagnoses and medications, the worse I got. So finally, in 2013, with tears streaming down my face, I actually said, “I’m sooooo done with this.” I was tired of being a sick and tired person, in pain and laying around all the time.

Time for a Change

So I threw away all the medications and I decided to not see conventional doctors anymore. I committed to finding a way to heal myself. I had seen others around me, a family member and some friends, renew their bodies through a variety of holistic healing methods. I thought, well, “If they can do it, I can do it.”

I initially sought out help from Holistic and Integrative practitioners. I was told I had a variety of conditions like Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr, Mold Illness (also known as CIRS), and Breast Implant Illness. I tried all sorts of treatments and remedies, some helped and some were a waste of money.

I learned that there were two foundational important changes that I had to make for me to continue to recover. It turned out that the very toxic leaking silicone breast implants that had been in my sensitive body for over 20 years were contributing to the autoimmune symptoms, as my body perceived them as foreign objects. I had a very complicated surgery to remove them and the silicone that was in my chest, without implant replacement, by a top explant surgeon, Dr. Lu-Jean Feng in Ohio.

The second thing was to remediate a room in our home that had hidden toxic mold behind the window frame, along with removing the mycotoxins and fungus that was actually in my body. Dealing with mold exposure is another major area that has to be addressed for many of us StarSeeds that have mystery illnesses.

Through the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® program I enrolled in, I was able to adopt a comprehensive wellness protocol that coached me in how to optimize my diet, rest, exercise, stress management, targeted supplementation and detoxification, all tailored to my unique biochemistry.

Using specialty Functional Medicine lab testing and extensive health surveys, we were able to determine what residual root causes of dysfunction still needed to be addressed. I was thrilled and fascinated to watch some long-standing miserable symptoms gradually fade away.

My New Path

As I regained my health, I had the opportunity to return to my career as a Registered Dental Hygienist where I had been making very good money. However, after learning how much more effective a natural and holistic approach to health can be for people (even in dentistry), I decided to be of service in a whole new way.

I was passionate about helping others who were suffering with chronic mystery illnesses and sensitivities.

I plunged myself into studies to get certified in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) from Reed Davis and later as a Wellness Code Practitioner® from The Wellness Code Academy® created by Jennifer Ellis-Schuetz. I diligently worked with clients as their health detective and Wellness Coach.

I helped them uncover all the deep root causes of why their bodies were so out of balance. The statement that the body will “Heal itself when given what it needs” is so true!

Root Cause Stressors (from The Wellness Code Academy®)

Over time, after methodically working on all these areas of our lives, I noticed that, although my clients and I were so much better than when we started, most of us had seemed to hit a plateau and still felt like we weren’t as vital, energetic and joyful as we would like to be.

So I kept searching for answers. What happened along the way was the acceleration of my Spiritual StarSeed Awakening!

Starseed Awakening

I was never religious, was not brought up reading the Bible or anything. But I started to go down a lot of rabbit holes. learning about ancient scriptures, investigated UFO sightings, read all kinds of metaphysical and esoteric teachings. I just was so curious and open to all these different ideas and philosophies and comparing them all. I wanted to learn about the mysteries of the universe.

One of the things that all the spiritual guides that I resonated with were saying was, “It’s crucial to learn how to meditate and quiet your mind.”

And so meditation was something I decided to commit to. It was not easy, and I still don’t do it every day. But it’s been one of the best things for really learning how to calm my nervous system, tap into my intuition and not overthink things. I encourage my clients and students to find ways to work mediation into their lives. An easy process that I teach people is the HeartMath® Quick Coherence Technique.

I also got trained in a variety of energy healing modalities including Emotion/Body Code® and Psych-K®. One of the most profound skills I learned is a form of divination (energy testing). I now use “Divine Muscle Testing” to connect to Source Energy and my clients’ energy fields to get answers to questions about what their bodies and souls need and want. I learned so much from Ascension Guide Niki Skye, Wendy Meyers, ND of Myers Detox, as well as Dr. Karen Kan of the Academy of Light Medicine®.

I highly encourage my clients and students to learn to do their own energy testing. It’s one of the best things you can do for assessing what your body needs, what supplements it requires at a given time, and what foods it will do best with. If you have a symptom, you can learn why. I will be teaching our members in the Sensitive StarSeed School membership the easiest ways to learn how to do this.

As I brought more of these emotional and energetic healing modalities into my own life, as well as how I worked with my clients, I realized that these areas were just as important to bring into harmony as the physical aspects. In fact, if emotional trauma, trapped emotions and energy blocks were not addressed, people just did not fully heal.

Jirina Zahradnickova

Prior to meeting Ginny Lyran, I spent years dealing with chronic health problems such as food sensitivities and emotional sensitivities, to the point where I endorsed the belief that I was a sickly person with the worst genetics of my family because I was the only sickly person. 
With Ginny’s help, I opened my mind to the idea that I am a Starseed, I am not sick but rather my human body has superhuman power and is highly sensitized to energies. There is more to learn to manage and understand the language of my body as it reacts to 3D Earth life, as well as other worldly energies.
 I am super excited to continue working with Ginny to empower myself. She is amazing for charting the way and helping Starseeds to heal and thrive. I am extremely pleased with the results of the energy healing, coaching and Soul Readings I received from Ginny.

Jirina Zahradnickova

Tarot Reader and Past Life Regression

However, all of these trainings and experiences all seemed to culminate with me learning that ultimately what had been missing from my life was the knowledge of who my soul really is and why I incarnated onto this body and this time on Earth. Through Dr. Karen Kan’s Soul Typing process, I discovered that I have not one, but three Extraterrestrial Souls in this body in this current human lifetime. What?! This was amazing to hear and…I knew in my heart it was absolutely true.

I also learned through Divine Energy testing that my volunteer mission to help humanity at this time of Ascension means that I have a responsibility to be more sensitive to things. This serves a purpose in that the symptoms alert me to subtle threats to the human body that can add up over time to big problems when we are not aware of the threats.

One of the most empowering things that I learned from Dr. Karen Kan is that I have the ability to dial down the intensity of these symptoms, to re-vitalize and enhance my body and energy fields, and to cultivate the positive aspect of my sensitivities, which are our psychic gifts, known as our “Claires”.

It’s really, really exciting stuff!

I have found that as I did Soul Readings for other Sensitive Souls, the vast majority of them turned out to be StarSeeds as well. I noticed that receiving this knowledge about their StarSeed nature and heritage was so uplifting and exciting for them that they suddenly had a new outlook on life.

Many reported that knowing that they volunteered to come to Earth, and that it wasn’t a punishment or sacrifice, has given them a new found reason for living a purpose-driven, joyful life. They want to be of service to humanity and see the value of doing what it takes to keep their precious 3D human vessel running at optimal capacity.

So this is me now, living a vibrant, joyful StarSeed life!

I’ve experienced healing on all levels; physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual, and even dimensional. This is what I would like all beings to have the opportunity to choose, if it is for their soul’s highest and greatest good.

I am honored and excited to now take my mission to the next level. It is a privilege to empower other Sensitive StarSeeds, like you! It’s time for you to fully activate your self-healing abilities and intuitive gifts. In this high vibe state of being, you will be able to pursue your passions that ignite your soul, and complete your StarSeed mission in these very special and exciting times. 💛🙏🏻

— With much love,

Ginny Lyran StarSeed